Conductors / Musicians:


At the beginning of the 2022 season, the Board felt it needed to grow the size of the band which was founded in 1995 by Brian Hughes.  To achieve this, it would be necessary to find new conductors, and all agreed that expanding the number of Conductors to four would provide the band and the audience with a broader range of musical experience.

The Board’s focus was on recognized musical educators and leaders in the Dubuque area. All would need to have careers dedicated to music, music education and the development of young students and future musicians.   As you can see from the biographies, the board was successful in achieving those objectives.

Continued success of the band, beginning with the 2022 season, is proof of this approach: our band has more than doubled in size, as has our audience.

David Resnick

Mr. Resnick received a Master of Music Education degree from Northern Illinois University and a permanent professional teaching certificate from the State of Iowa. He studied saxophone in workshops with Dr. Eugene Rousseau, of Indiana College, and conducting in workshops with Dr. Thomas Lee, of UCLA.  He served on the Fine Arts faculty of Clarke University (Dubuque) as director of instrumental music.  He has conducted Wind and Jazz Ensembles in addition to composing published works for bands and orchestras.

Dr. Glenn Pohland

Dr. Pohland is a Professor in the communication and fine arts division of Loras College where he conducts the Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and chamber groups. He also teaches courses in music education, orchestration, instrumental techniques, music in the movies, and instrumental conducting. Dr. Pohland received his BA in music education from St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, his M.M.Ed from the University of Minnesota, and his DMA in instrumental music education and conducting from Arizona State University.

 Dr. Nolan Hauta

Dr. Hauta is Director of Concert Bands and Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Dubuque. He previously served as the University of Dubuque’s Director of Jazz and Athletic Bands. Prior to teaching at the university level, Hauta was a band director in Minnesota for several years. He earned a BA in music education at the University of Minnesota–Morris, a MM in music education at the University of Minnesota–Duluth, and a DMA in wind conducting at the University of Iowa. He is an active adjudicator, guest conductor, and trombonist. Hauta lives in Dubuque with his wife and two sons.

Rodney Matthews

Rodney Matthews has been playing trombone for 55 years, including four years playing with the Navy Band, where he was also a drum major and conductor.  He has been a featured soloist with several community bands and college bands.  He was a band director in Iowa public schools fo 25 years, including 19 years in Bellevue, Iowa. He also worked with students at Hempsted High School as a long term sub after retirement. He currently enjoys playing with the New Horizons Band, as well as serving as an assistant conductor. Mr. Matthews has a B.A. in Music Education from Northwestern College, and a Master of Music Education from VanderCook College of Music in Chicago, IL, plus many credits and workshops beyond. He has been married to Denise Matthews for 35 years, with three kids and three grandkids. When he is not involved in music, you can find him on his bike on the Heritage trail on most afternoons, or fishing on the Mississippi.

2024 Tri-State Wind Symphony Musicians


Anna Ashcraft

Christi Garrett

Hannah Davisdon

Janet Kolimas

Jenny Bodensteiner

Josette Robertson

Laurie Polley

Lynette Dietz

Micah Herbers

Nick Mula
Sharon Grimes *
Susan Williams
Tori Richter

Coda Freiburger

Delano Cain-Watson


Addilyn Dolan

Chris Davisdon

Luna Pham


Abby Taliaferro
Addison Hingtgen
Adelyn Mottet
Amy Schlarmann
Becky Gillespie *
Charles Craig
Elaine Erickson
Elise Norman
Ericka Raber

Gabrielle Norman
Hadley Peat
Helena Townsend-Grove
Jesse Mageske
Jill Scheirer
Keith Buckman
Larissa Miles

Lilli Green
Melanie Rockford
Micki Marolf
Paula Welter
Richard Beutel *
Sarah Jacob-Kizzier
Susan Hattel

Bass Clarinet

Casey Kizzier
Emerson Rowley
June Siebert
Paul Stephany


   – Alto Sax

Ashley Hermsen
Emily Davisdon
Jessalyn Small
John Bihl
Katie Davis
Kim Wagner

  – Baritone SaxJames Montieth
Jonathan Netzel

– Tenor Sax

Amelia Hoffman
Bridget Schaufenbuel

Dan Rusch

Lee Ann Buchheit
Richard Weimer


Benjamin Michel
Dan Norman
Dan Wild
David Thom

Devinaire Hayes
Ed Raber
Gary Flynn
Jeff Eagan
Larry Tscharner
Madelyn Michel
Melissa Taylor
Paul Kohl

TJ Haislet

French Horn

Andi Bihl

Daniel Bihl

Derek Phillips

Elizabeth Bihl

Jean Cheever

Jordon Davisdon

Mary Flynn


Barry Nudd

Benjamin Pacetes

David Hinman

Evan Davies

John Tippe

Kurt Godel

Nick Talarico

Sue Hinrichsen *


David Arnold

David Overby

Frederick Isaak

John Hattery

Kevin Thomas

Robert Shaw


Adam Denner
Brett Tomkins
Erik Anderson

Hannah Anderson
Linden Kizzier
Mike Jozefowicz
Warren Johnson


Adam Dunn

Becky Shellabarger

John Garde

Josh Husemann

Sally Stulken *

Scott Krohn

Staci Amosson

Wayne Siebert


             (*) TSWS Board




Heritage Center, Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA

Historically, accordions have not been part of community bands, however we invited an existing group, “The Accordion Divas,” to join us. They became our warmup band and have been received with great enthusiasm. Accordions and Polkas shout fun. They play for thirty minutes while the band sets up for a concert. In fact, they are starting to have a following. Rumor has it they are looking to grow their group.

Vicki Barclay     Amanda Hauta     Denise Stadel     Colleen Yonda