For Musicians:

                                                                      2025 SEASON ANNOUNCEMENTS:  See Schedule at Bottom of Page

September 17, 2024

Players who played in at least 2 concerts (*) will recieve an invitation form via Gmail in January of 2025 with a deadline for responding by the end of January.   * Special circumstanses such as illness will be taken into consideration.

After January 31, 2025 applications will be accepted until we reach capacity.


If you miss the deadline, you may be added to a “Standby” list by sending an email to Sue Hinrichsen (  Include your name, instrument and concert dates for which you are available.

Out 2025 season, begins Tuesday, May 27, 2025, with the first rehearsal and ends with its final concert on Thursday, July 31, 2025 – see General Information below. The band performs at the Alliant Amphitheater/Star Brewery/Stone Cliff Winery next to the majestic Mississippi River. (Music by the River). Address is 600 Star Brewery Drive.


Musicians who are able to play moderately advanced, to advanced, pieces are invited to be a volunteer member of the band. The band has a diverse, welcoming and appreciative atmosphere and is conducted by four highly regarded directors. There are no dues assessed to band members.

Contact Us

For those interested in being a part of the band and included in the list of participants, please either: complete the signup form (downloadable from the “Players” section of the website) or Email: TSWS President,  Sue Hinrichsen at:


At the bottom of the form also indicate the concerts you will not be able to perform and help us by volunteering in some of the listed activities.

We are looking forward to making music with you this summer. 

2025 Tri-State Wind Symphony Player Information

General Information

All rehearsals are at the University of Dubuque’s Heritage Center band room.  Rehearsal times are from 7:00 – 9:00 pm with a ten-minute break.
There are 2 rehearsals before a concert. Members should try to be at both rehearsals although attendance at one of the rehearsals is necessary.

Section Managers

Section Managers will be designated by the Board. A Section Manager does not have to be the first chair.  Section Managers will assist players in their section’s set up, and rotate music parts for players who are capable and interested in playing a different part. Section Managers are able to call for an optional “section practice” as needed. That practice is designated for the last rehearsal before a concert. It will be held 30 minutes prior to the 7:00 pm rehearsal time. Practice rooms will be made available.


U of D provides chairs and stands for players at rehearsals; although it is not a bad idea to have an extra stand as a backup. Players are asked to arrive at the rehearsal site early enough to help with set up, arrange their music, warm up, tune and be ready for the downbeat at 7:00 pm. The playing order will be posted on the white board. Music folders will be stored in a music box (black box). If you take a folder home, please be sure to sign it out. Should you arrive late, please wait until the conductor stops conducting before taking a seat.

Since rehearsal time is limited and valuable, please refrain from unnecessary conversations. When the conductor is on the podium, all players should be silent and focused on the conductor. When the baton is raised, those players who are to play at that place in the music should  be prepared to play.


Note:  We have new Logo Polos shirts this year which are the official uniform for all players.  If you have not done so, please order through the following link:

 Players must bring a chair and a sturdy black stand to the concert. It can be very windy so be prepared to manage the wind. (Wire stands will not work.) For players who do not have a sturdy stand, they can check one out for the season and return it following their last concert. Players are asked to leave jackets, food, drink, and music cases off the concert area and refrain from draping jackets over the backs of chairs. A short warm up by the conductor will take place before the performance. Following the warm up please refrain from practicing the music while seated.

Please wait to change music to the next piece until after the current piece is completed. When the conductor instructs soloists, sections or the whole band to stand at the end of the piece, stand facing the audience, refrain from talking or changing music, smile and acknowledge the applause.

The “Accordion Divas” who are part of our TSWS family, perform polka music while the TSWS band sets up for the concert. They are our warm-up band and help to engage the audience. Do not warm up while they are playing. Thank you’s go a long way.

Equipment Transportation

Following the 2nd rehearsal, concert equipment will be loaded into a trailer and transported from UD to the Alliant Amphitheater. We ask for able bodied players to help roll the equipment from the band room to the loading dock. On the day of the concert the equipment will be taken out of the trailer at the Alliant Amphitheater. The reverse will take place after the concert. The equipment will be moved back into the trailer and unloaded at UD on the next Tuesday.

Rain Site

In the event of rain, the concert will be moved to Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2155 University Drive, Dubuque, Iowa. Notification of the need to move to the rain site will be on the first page of the website no later than 3:00 pm on the day of the concert.


WWW.TSWS.ORG. This tsws website will have information for players, fans, sponsors and spectators. Refer to weather information on the home page “Announcement” section.

TSWS Covid Protocol

TSWS participants should be assured that the health and safety of band members will always be our top priority.  If any player has Covid-like or Cold symptoms or if they feel they may have been exposed, please perform a rapid Covid test.

If there is a positive test result, inform a board administrator, section manager or a friend in the band who can share the health status.  (Email or text is fine).

When a participant is covid positive, then do not attend practices or concerts until the tests show negative.  If the player has a music folder, try to make arrangements to get the folder back to the section manager or band administers

This link to the “CDC Isolation and Exposure Calculator” will help people determine what steps are necessary once exposure to Covid: